Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Thing #6

I really had fun wth this mashup site. I liked the Color Pickrs the most. I had so much fun with it that I decided to post one of my creations.

Flickr can be very useful in the library and classroom setting, because it allows the use of many pictures with limited copyright. Students and teachers can use the pictures for many different projects. I have already used a picture I found in a PowerPoint presentation I am giving on Copyright.

1. Tickseed, 2. orange rose, 3. very red, 4. Folds


Grendel said...

I love your flowers from Colorpickr. They make me feel good just looking at them!

Terri said...

I, too love the colorpickr feature in Flickr and created a few of my own for use in future presentations. Have you tried the mosaic feature using a subject? You can find lots of topic specific pics to put in a simple mosaic for presentations as well.
BTW-I love you color choices with the flowers. It's warm and inviting! Thanks!

Cindy Schulze said...

Cool picture! Flickr was a fun "Thing" to learn about!